What's my version( YEAR) of Money Plus deLuxe
(too old to reply)
2010-04-05 16:20:26 UTC
ll I know is the serial # and expiration date; the package is long gone.
Trying to convert to Quicken which is quite different. How do I find out of
what year my Money is? Thank you so much
Cal Learner
2010-04-05 18:29:08 UTC
In microsoft.public.moneycentral, thedummy
Post by thedummy
ll I know is the serial # and expiration date; the package is long gone.
Trying to convert to Quicken which is quite different. How do I find out of
what year my Money is? Thank you so much
Look at Help->About. Version 17 is Money Plus, and version 16 is
Money 2007. If you have one of those two installed, then Quicken
should be able to do the conversion. If not, you would have to
download and install the Money Plus free trial to let the conversion

The group for Microsoft Money is microsoft.public.money.
Johnny Fields
2010-04-19 20:17:02 UTC
If it is Money Plus, it is 2008. You can convert to Quicken either from 2007
or Plus (2008). That is the latest version available since the program is now

Hope it helps.
Post by thedummy
ll I know is the serial # and expiration date; the package is long gone.
Trying to convert to Quicken which is quite different. How do I find out of
what year my Money is? Thank you so much